Our Clients

Working With Clients

At BGGA, we pride ourselves on maintaining close and professional relationships with all our clients. Since the firm’s inception, we have always believed the hallmark of a successful lobbying program is open and free communication, as well as a deep understanding of the issues. As such, we encourage our clients to communicate with the intensity or frequency that best suits their needs. Not all clients demand the same level of lobbying intensity, so we work closely with our principals on an advocacy plan that best suits their needs. As a matter of principle, we do not believe in delegating work. Both Shane and Matt work collaboratively on each client account to deliver continuity of service. For these reasons, our hard work and collaboration drives results.

Current Clients

  • Anaheim Transportation Network

  • The Balloon Council

  • California Conference Board of the Amalgamated Transit Union

  • California Conference of Machinists

  • California Harness Horsemen’s Association

  • California Teamsters Public Affairs Council

  • Consumer Attorneys of California

  • Engineers and Scientists of California, Local 20, IFPTE

  • Fragrance Science and Advocacy Council (FSAC)

  • Golden Bear Racing

  • Jockeys’ Guild, Inc.

  • Paradise Irrigation District


  • The Sportfishing Conservancy

  • Town of Paradise

  • UNITE HERE International Union

  • United Anglers

  • Utility Workers Union of America, Local 132

  • Utility Workers Union of America, Local 483

  • Utility Workers Union of America, 522

Former Clients

  • IFPTE Local 21

  • Cigna Corporate Services

  • Express Scripts Holding Company

  • Imperial Irrigation District

  • San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority

  • California Brain Tumor Association

  • San Manuel Band of Mission Indians

  • International Longshore and Warehouse Union

  • Triton Management Services, LLC

  • AARP

  • California Official Court Reporters Association

  • Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District

  • California Environmental Health Initiative

  • Western United Dairies